Now before you people start to hit back on me as to why I say such a remark, pls read my account that I’m going to write here and which is also something that is happening to most of the mosques in our own country which sadly, the Islamic Religious council fail to curb or prevent such things from happening.
Site of the Week
The interactive site adds human judgement to searching, and presents the results in an unusually effective way.
Its always a good start to know more about the daily stuff through this site and keep abreast with the latest information around the world.
Throughout my close to two years working for this local client, I have come across several Infotech staff of which majority of them are those who have no idea on what their job is all about.
The Darling’s birthday
After a torturous year, may this day bring to you all things that make you smile…
Small country or small world
Went down to Tampines yesterday to attend an Indian Muslim wedding, an invitation from Dearie’s friend. Its her brother that had got married and boy, was I in for a surprised…
Site of the Week
Mr aka Lee Kin Mun. I call his site, The Father of blogging in Singapore since he jolly well may have started the blogging revolution in SG 🙂
He started his space way back in ’97 and have a steady throng of visitors till today. Often mistaken to, a site that caters to gays and other sexual fantasies (back then).