
What is the relevance and significance of learning math in our lives?

During one of the rare occasions that I took the public transport, I overheard two “elite” secondary school boys talking to one another about the relevance and significance of learning math in their daily life. Both agreed that math serve no purpose for them unless they want to expand into the field of architect or engineering but apart from such technical area, they don’t seem to have a clue why Math is an important subject to be taught since young.

I smiled when I overheard their conversation on this topic. Back when I was around the same age as these teenagers, I echoed the same sentiments that they were lamenting upon. Why do we have to learn this? When are we ever going to use this in our lives?

My teacher used to say that what we are learning in class will lead to great applications in engineering, science, finance and many more. Needless to say, I rebel to such statements.


another reason why some people should not be given editorial rights to wikipedia

Taken from the article on Hercules, I am not sure if there have been any editing to the entry as of today. In any case, here is a screenshot of the article.



Can MIO handle EPL broadcast without compromising the quality

Let’s face it. Those adverts talking about viewing popular US tv series within 24 hours after its being shown in USA will not have the desired effect for consumers in Singapore to call up and request for Singtel MIO services immediately. Think TORRENT and you’ll get the idea.

However, I can foresee some management executives drawing up huge bonuses due to them able to procure the 3-years contract on getting the rights this morning to broadcast English Premier League matches starting from next season. THAT, will certainly start to rake in the much needed revenues, to Singtel.



I think its time for a change.


Farewell to ex-comrade, Ramesh

Throughout my 4 years of working in my previous employment, Ramesh have consistently been in the picture whenever there are issues related in our job. He have always been there to provide advice, be it with physical PC troubleshooting and at times, even went the extra mile to assist me out of normal working hours.


Seizures and spasms

I only had 1 hour of maths tutorial for the day but the lesson was cut short by 15 min due to an incident that occurred in class, a similar issue that happened during my NS days too.

Towards the end of the lesson,


A useful ICT website for teaching effective communication

Talkingcock’s website is a useful resource that is being use by my lecturers to conduct tutorials on Singapore Standard English (SSE) versus Singapore Colloquial English (SCE) aka SINGLISH.

It is funny to see how a website that was once being considered for permanent blockage within Singapore’s servers about 8 – 9 years back, are now being highly regarded for its wide content on SCE terms and sentences.