
saved by a household drill

A COUNTRY doctor saved the life of a dying 12-year-old boy by using a household drill to bore into his brain after he fell off his bike…. The small hospital was not equipped with neurological drills, so Dr Carson obtained a household De Walt drill, used for boring holes in wood, from a hospital maintenance room.

[ link here ]

This is a damn good improvising thinking on the part of the Doctor, like MacGyver !! Another product placement slogan probably on the rise for De Walt brand house-drills.

4 our of 5 doctors prefer DeWalt against any leading brand house-drills. 🙂


The last drill you’ll have to buy. AND you can do brain surgery with it.



The one about striving to provide community excellence

Sometimes I really wonder if our religious council are really doing their job patrolling the premises.

Already there have been numerous emails floating around informing certain establishments that have not renewed their Halal certificates with them and they expect those people who send queries to them regarding this, to provide evidence that shows these establishments flouting the rules and displaying Halal logo at their shops despite no longer being Halal certified. Reason being: they want to take action against these establishments.

In the first place, if you know these establishments did not renew their certificates, shouldn’t YOU be the one patrolling these areas to ensure they do not disregard the issue. You can’t expect the general public to keep emailing you their queries before you take action right ?


p2p sites block by local isp

Hmm.. I am not sure if I am the only one experiencing this but if you’re in Singapore and using a Windows XP machine, try visiting these 2 popular torrent websites: Mininova and Pirate Bay. Chances are, the sites are already being block by the local ISP (the one in red). Somehow, a Vista machine is able to penetrate through but if my predictions are true, it won’t be for long due to the results of the trial.

There goes my free dosage of movies 😛


A fish inside a boy’s dick

While he was cleaning the fish tank in his house, the 14 year old was holding a fish in his hand and went to the toilet for passing urine….The fish … measured 2cm long and 1.5cm wide….

[ link? here ]

Question 1: Why the hell did the boy take the fish with him when he was going to the toilet ?

Question 2: 1.5 cm wide? Thats quite the uretha. This kid must have a hammer. Respect.


the one before you go to sleep

This is very random, quite possibly also due to the fact that I was very busy lazing around the house and forgot all about blogging.

Yesterday was a good night. Not too warm and humid. It’s always great to savour the last few moments before you go to sleep by playing some games with your wife. That change-the-song-based-on-last-word game is darn good and stimulate my brain !! Thank you Darling.



Its been almost 8 years but tears never fail to appear whenever I watch Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham (K3G).

When it comes to sappy movies, I can go bonkers. *sob*


The ball is round

As much as I wanted Chelsea to win and proceed to the Champions League Final, I thought Barcelona was a far better team altogether. They didn’t play well on the night but they kept going and ultimately got their reward.

Just as much as I loathe the attitude of Cristiano Ronaldo, watching him play against Arsenal yesterday night, I can understand why he is voted European Footballer of the Year award (Ballon d’Or). Damn swift and powerful winger cum forward.