Love One

Marriage preparation: 2nd day of Course

Of course, the first one was full of surprises and interesting debates on responsibility of husbands and wives, alimonies, activities, lectures and food!!!


Diarrhoea: Flows like a river

Yeah, I’m on MC today. Been having it since yesterday actually.


Site of the Week

Specialty Dictionaries

Not even a native speaker knows all the words of his own language. Technical vocabulary is used only by specialists and so is not generally known by non-specialists. At this site you will find dictionaries and glossaries of specialized words in the English language.


Stuff I don’t get

There’s weird stuff on the Net. Always has been. Most of it is weird because a lot of people are a card or two short of a full deck.

Love One

Marriage preparation: 1st day of Course

Technically, its going to be tomorrow. I wonder how its going to be like to have it in a CC than a mosque.
Afterall, its $10 cheaper than the latter.

IT Corner

Hot off the oven – Part 3

Me: “Okay, what do you double click on to open the file?”

User: “My mouse.”

Me: “No, no, which icon do you double click on?”

User: “I don’t know…I’ll ask my friend…..he says we have Windows 98.”

What the….

IT Corner

Hot off the oven – Part 2

Me: “Ok, ma’am, I need you to do a ctrl-alt-del.”

Customer: “How do I do that?”

Me: “Push and hold ‘ctrl’ and ‘alt’ at the same time, and then hit ‘delete’.”

Customer: “Where are those?”

Me: (explains the location of the keys)

Customer: “Nothing happened.”

Me: “Try again.”

Customer: “Still nothing.”

After another 1-2 minutes of further troubleshooting, I was really getting exasperated…