
The search

The following are the list of searches within my site for the last 30 days.

Love One

Marriage preparation: The Night and Day with the future mother-in-law

I spent the weekend helping out my dad who had a wedding lunch contract nearby our area. It was the first time that he invited my future mother-in-law to help out as well.

IT Corner

Computer Problem Report Form

I think, having this form around will definitely be handy, although of course, it will _never_ be implemented at all.

Basically, you put a tick to whichever choice is deem correct.

IT Corner

Tips to stretch your laptop battery life

As a tech support of a large company, I frequently hear complaints from customers or company staff that they have been assigned a laptop that their battery doesn’t last as long as it use to. Here are a few tips to help increase the battery life of a laptop battery.

Love One

Protected: Difference between a wife and a friend

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Marriage preparation: Course registration

So yesterday, we head down to Marine Parade CC to register and pay upfront $110 each for the registration of our marriage course. And wow, did we really make a fool of ourselves.


Ten Commandments for Tech Support

Ok as requested, the compilation list essential for one to be a bona-fide Helpdesk technical support.