
Scenes from Gaza Strip

It is kind of sad when viewing this. Empathy is easily distracted, and I guess that is our downfall. The greatest flaws of humanity is buried within everyone.


Man break into adult shop to have sex with dolls

This guy will not stop at nothing till he get what he wanted in the 1st place.

His method of entry is to smash through walls and squeeze through tight holes… in a first unreported break-in, the man had stolen five dolls and had sex with one of them

[ link here ]

I look at the pictures in the link and I realised something funny. He actually took the time to blow up the dolls first before he had his way. HE SURE CAN WAIT !!! *lol*

On a brighter note, at least he’s raping blow up dolls, rather than people. 🙂


to do or not to do

After reading numerous articles and historical facts about my country and the modern world, I do not think I can teach Social/Studies in school by the syllabus unless I turn myself hypocritical.

I think either the ‘selected’ recommended authors of the book are purposely trying to cover up some important facts or some modern authors tend to overlook some hidden agenda that occured during the timeline.

At times, I do wonder if I am part of a global exercise to brain-wash nurture them from young, to depict and control how their minds perceive issues that happened during their forefathers era.

The question of personal integrity vs work-requirements is very tough, when thou have learnt the truth.


Corruption in Malaysia

As you all probably have read via the previous entry, I decided to travel up to Malacca and got robbed while on a road trip with wifey, daughter and them.

New Malacca, same old habits

Posted by mobile phone:
I am currently in Malacca, enjoying the views that the city have to offer since my last visit back in 1996.

And yeah, I got a ticket 4 a fine that I didn’t intentionally cemmit.

OF COURSE, the 2 policemen would prefer me to settle on the spot.

CORRUPTION. Pure evi1.

I guess SOME things don’t really change, however much you really try; especially people’s habits.

more updates Soon.


Man throws shoes at President Bush

Being infamous in a foreign country is generally not a good farewell party for someone who is often regarded as the President of the ‘World’.

The following actually shows the build up of hatred and violence that the local citizens had to endure due largely to his failure in assessment of foreign policy, in particular, the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

incomprehensible dreams on numbers

Posted by mobile phone:
2 to 12. 4 to 16. Yet 6 to 8. Hmmm