
A 13 year old FATHER

Take a look at the following picture.

Boy 13 years old with baby

On first glance, I thought that its a normal boy with his newborn baby brother. Well, I was partly wrong though. Its not his brother but his own son. But get this, he is only 13!!!

[ link here ]

The baby’s mother is only 2 years older than him and they had unprotected sex last year which led to this. Very hard to imagine such a situation happening in Singapore. I have a feeling that this boy have yet to have the ‘father instinct’ sunk into him yet.

Both of them (the boy and the girl) came from broken homes. Another website mentioned about them meeting up via MapleStory first and confiding on each other before all hell breaks loose.


IT Corner

How to record streaming music on Vista

This post is just a reminder for me, just in case if I ever decide to upgrade my XP machine to Vista but I guess you guys might find this information useful if you intend to convert any streaming music into mp3.

Of course, it all happened because Dearie had forgotten to bring an mp3 file from home and I had to use the school laptop to encode the music into mp3.

Audacity is a wonderful sound editing software that create amazing effects while at the same time, able to record any streaming music from any internet radio stations, youtube and many more.

However, in Vista machines especially laptops, the manufacturers decided to disable the recording streaming music function for reasons unknown.

As such, after 15 minutes of tweaking, I manage to change a few settings in the Windows Vista Operating System. Here is where it gets sticky.


Life is like a…

Life is like a ship going across the ocean full of waves that represent our ups and down and with one destination, hoping that the Special One will be there to greet us when we reach there.

Ask Men Love One

New Chelsea Player purchased after losing to Liverpool

This might be the saviour and quite possibly give Sir Alex or Rafa some change in tactical formation for their chase of the Premier League title.


Happy 8 year anniversary to my wife

The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together…

As such, I thank you for putting up with my rants and sharing my thoughts and views together. Expecting many more fantastic years to come with you by my side.

IT Corner

Danger of not formatting your PC

If you intend to give a PC to someone needy, for fuck’s sake, please try and delete your own personal files first. Otherwise, don’t blame the person who inherit your PC if they start to see your pictures in provocative poses or worse still, viewing semi-nude male models !!!

Even if you claim that your PC is having some Windows problem or issue, consult your own IT support first for advice before just handing the whole PC to someone else.

Now I know that you have a total of 2437 images of yourself, friends and boyfriend, over 100 video clips and images of male models strutting their stuff and personal files of your workplace, family and loved ones. WITHOUT even hacking into your PC.

The most important lesson here is, ALWAYS FORMAT your PC before you give/trade-in/sell to someone else. Sure there are software out there that can try to retrieve your data but at least its a step that shows you TRIED TO ERASE any confidential documents behind.


Paris Hilton greatest interview in Australia

“I’ve only slept with two men. People make up stories, but mostly I just kiss. I think it’s important to play hard to get,” says Paris Hilton

[ link here ]

Either she meant only 2 guys at the same time or she’s “slept” with so many that her odometer has rolled back to zero. 🙂