No eating or drinking in the library.
That was the caption being pasted on the wall of my institution’s library.
Yet, a couple of librarian just brought in freshly packed chicken rice, mi goreng, tea, coffee and many more straight to their office.
No eating or drinking in the library.
That was the caption being pasted on the wall of my institution’s library.
Yet, a couple of librarian just brought in freshly packed chicken rice, mi goreng, tea, coffee and many more straight to their office.
A psychology professor did a study on this issue and the result… ?
No matter what their self-proclaimed sexual orientation, the women showed, on the whole, strong and swift genital arousal when the screen offered men with men, women with women, and women with men.
I pasted this into a Word Document (12 point font) and it took up over 10 pages!!! Only a woman would take 10 pages to tell a man what she wants. Ask this question to a man. I’d be shocked if his answer to the topic was more than 2 sentences. 🙂
I have always wondered if some people actually know the appropriate behaviour that should be don when you are in a cemetery or even when you are present at the deceased place.
More importantly, I thought you need to be polite and observe the procession with utmost silence, deep cogitation with your own thoughts and more importantly, not to laugh or have fun joking around with other visitors.
With no sensitivity being shown towards the family members of the deceased, I shudder to think how these people will educate their young ones about such matters.
And I do not think that talking about the rise of COE, the latest football results and about HDB flats is going to help the deceased.
Please, she had just ended her small judgement day and in need of prayers. If you do not wish to give any, refrain from talking such issues.
At times I am surprised as how such people can thrive talking about such matters in front of a dead body. Worse, they do not have any black hairs.
Dunia kata pergi, kubur kata mari.
Not to mention in lieu of the current bleak economy and almost 7 million Americans still unemployed, I think to include in their resume about having associations with the Bush administration is like poison to future employees.
But then again, let us be honest here. They are NOT exactly standing in the unemployment line, nor worrying about how to put food on the table, aren’t they ? Afteral, they are all wealthy enough that they do not have to live? on their government wages anyway now.
[ link here ]
This is a recording of the video that my wife took while I was being “fined” in Malacca. Certain shots are being slowed down to get a view of the 2 “fine” officers.
Lesson learnt: Never trust what other (Non-Singapore) cars are doing on foreign land.
It just irritates me to see guys who are soft-hearted and cannot overcome the fact that their girlfriends have left them – for more than a week !!
The worst part would be them spilling their sadness and woes into blogs, claiming not being able to eat properly or slept for only 2 hours each day or always wait at the girl’s void deck or opposite block in an effort to have a glimpse of their ex.
Someone said to me in my dream this morning. Troubled is, I don’t remember who said it to me. But I distinctly remember what he said.
Kids are programme by biology to love a parent, but at times, parent doesn’t return the love to the kids.