
Some female drivers

Yesterday at around 1200++, I was stuck in a massive traffic jam that started before the exit junction of Toh Guan Road @ PIE (Tuas) and stretched all the way to the exit at Clementi.

I was really wondering what on Earth happen because there was no traffic news from Class 95 and there was no message from EMAS signboards along the way.



I am greatly appalled by the behaviour of one particular Chinese trainee teacher (foreign talent). In those mornings that I came early to school and sit in the library, I can observe her selfish behaviour in ‘chope-ing’ one of the wall plugs for her laptop, even though she have NOT yet use her laptop.


Do people change

I have always been amazed by the fact that people change a lot over time. Some say that people remain “essentially” the same before an event occured that literally changed who they really are down to the core.

I think a lot of people maintain a certain foundation of who they are, and they just build on that. Some go through extreme changes that effect that person so wholly that they shift their foundation and change their personality drastically.I don’t believe we ever stop changing, learning, growing, becoming. It is all a life cycle and one we must embrace and also, probably mourn from time to time.


Baby’s right to live in this world is NOT granted in Britain

Just read this tragedy via BBC News…

A judge’s ruling on Thursday that it was in the nine-month old boy’s best interests to withdraw his life sustaining treatment. The High Court ruling gives doctors at an unnamed NHS trust powers to turn off the ventilator keeping “baby OT” alive.

[ link here ]


MP higher than PM

Overheard during one of the Meet the MP session held the other night.

Kid: “But Sir, I was.. wondering if you… could write me a.. recommendation letter so… that I can appeal… for admission… into Republic Polytechnic (with slow word by word enunciation)

MP: “That’s the problem you see. Firstly, you are not under my GRC hence I have no jurisdiction over your matters. Secondly, since your MP in your own constituency doesn’t want to recommend, how can I write a letter for you ? It would appear as if we (fellow MPs) have a clash of opinion or worst, making him feel useless.”


Postpone lesson without informing student

Or I forgot, we are like fleas to you is it ? No need to inform us at least by email yesterday and just scoot off to some seminar and paste a note on the door telling us to come back during 1330 to 1430 hrs to listen to your lecture again ?

Sorry, I don’t have any respect for lecturers whom are inefficient in their own time management. I got other things to do at noon and I have Friday prayers to attend to.

I am seriously pissed off by this sudden change of event.


Slumdog Millionaire

No, I am not referring to the hit film that received multiple awards in the recent Academy Awards. I was watching some videos when I came across this clip showing a real kid from the slums who also happens to be selling peacock feathers. What really amazes me was the number of languages that this kid could actually speak while living by the road. Check out the video..