
A simple Personality Test

Many years back, I remembered being informed by my then team-lead to participate in a personality test conducted by Target Training Institute.

After a series of 20 weird questions, I was diagnosed to be a GOVERNOR. So what does that mean ? No, not likely of par with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of course. But rather interestingly, it was with someone else.

Love One

My darling’s birthday

Today is my darling Suhainis Bte Samsi’s birthday. I just thought it would be nice if you peeps can drop over to her site and wish her Happy birthday too.

It would be a big surprise for her, i’m sure 🙂

To my darling, happy birthday sweetie.

I don’t always tell you how much joy you brought and it means more to me than anything. Also, I don’t think I have thanked you enough for the many things that you did and also how much i love you. (Or have I?)

Of course when I look at you, it seem both the cinema ushers and I have something in common: we both don’t think you’ve aged past your 16th birthday 🙂

To me you’re still beautiful as to the day that we first met @ Bedok Interchange. And in my eyes, you will always be my blushing bride, with that true beauty wrapped deep inside.

Some say perfection is unattainable
For most things that’s explainable,
But in your arms and with your heart’s affection
I have found a brief moment of perfection

Happy birthday darling. You’re the Queen of my heart.

Love One

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2008 Sexiest Man Alive

The other day, my wife and I were driving home and we trotted off to the topic on who is the most handsomest (is there such a term ?) or someone who possess the X-factor in the Hollywood industry for both actors and actresses.

The list goes on and we each have our fair share of opinions but undoubtedly, we each agreed that the best actor for both of us so far has got to be..

Storytelling @ changi-simei cc

Posted by mobile phone:
Hmm.. didn’t expect senior citizens to tell us stories here. Very funny though

Love One

Being 28 means…

Personally, I think that being 28 means so many different things. Earlier bedtimes, eating healthy. No caffeine. Learning to like shows like Matlock.*gasp*

But I do have to concur. Growing older is considered bad. In a society that glorifies beauty and productivity, older people are devalued in reality. I am excited about growing older, and yet, according to the message of the society, I am about to pushed out of the ranks of “cool”.

Cosmetics companies make billions each year marketing wrinkle creams, make-up to hide wrinkles, and skin enhancers. Looking young, looking fresh is one of the biggest industries there is currently.

When I was young, I used to think people that were interested in history were all old men with nothing better to do, yet now, I’m finding that I’m getting more and more interested in history also. I suspect that as we get older and get past our own experiences, we seek answers and curiousity about how others in the past have lived and learned.

This year is a pretty much memorable year for me. Celebrating my birthday along with my wife is of course, the Royal tembam Highness, Syaima Aaliya.

Let’s see the list of stuff that I received for my birthday.


The one about a lady driver

I have always believe on equal opportunity between genders when it comes to driving. I mean, both males and females are responsible for poor driving skills that sometimes may result in bad accidents. However, since the incident that occurred to me last week, I felt that at times, women drivers are not that street-smart when it comes to driving after all.

Without prejudice to any party involved, I do concur that there are responsible and alert female drivers in Singapore but the one that I am mentioning below sure doesn’t fit into the equation.