Posted by mobile phone:
very tough subject. cracking my brain in this cold library. two long hours.
A couple of weeks back, I got my first fine via a letter. That indicated the offence was committed 3 weeks back.
Naturally, I was kinda shocked. Of course I paid up because trying to negotiate your way with the T/r/a/f/f/i/c P/o/l/i/c/e HQ foreign import customer service is similar to asking a woman to make up her mind AND sticking with it. Impossible ! 🙂
But the thing that got me thinking is this.
This is actually something that I have pondering over the past couple of years. Take a look at the report that was given out from the 2008 Sichuan earthquake that occured a couple of months back.
Testosterone is responsible for a lot of the stupidity that goes on in the world, but I find it hard to believe that the following story is merely a male pissing contest and did not involve some sort of drugs or alcohol. It does, however, feature a watermelon-eating dog.
A police report said the two unidentified brothers got into an argument this week in Boston after a dog belonging to one of the men consumed a watermelon owned by his brother.
The argument over the missing watermelon escalated into a shouting match between the siblings that allegedly caused one brother to repeatedly stab himself in order to show he didn’t care if he got hurt, police say.
[ link here ]
Hit and Run
I know she senior citizen, but sometimes these senior citizens very arrogant also. They see car coming they don’t care, just walk across the road to dare you to knock them down and cause you to jam brake, then they don’t even look at you or say thanks or sorry.
Taken from local SG forum about the recent Yishun hit and run incident
At times, I do agree that drivers must be careful, but when reversing a car out from the parking lot, one need to look at so many places, check left mirror, right mirror and rear mirror too, so it helps if pedestrians have half a brain and don’t go walk behind the car when it’s reversing.
What will make the F1 race a hit
WHAT will it take to make Singapore’s first Formula One Grand Prix a success? According to visitor Mark Topolski who came from Britain, it isn’t enough just to put on a good race or have efficient facilities or only have an exciting, challenging race circuit.
Another foreigner, Carl Skadian also wrote on Straits Times, saying that there was a lack of interest in the race in the man in the street.
I think that the reason is fairly simple: We were not invited.
Singapore F1 GP
Team Ferrari ain’t going to be pleased with their performances these evening. On the other hand, kudos to F. Alonso for able to regain his composure and complete the event, gaining 1st place despite starting the race in 15th position. 🙂