
Singaporean Identity

I thought the Serangoon Gardens issue was over since F1 GP is already in the limelight. Because I can’t believe how snobbish some of the people inhibiting this island can be. And also because of the fact that most of the Kaki Bukit residents have stayed TOGETHER with these foreign workers in our own area for like, more than 10 years with no complaints !!

Heck, I think these workers have even stayed and relax under our void decks on Sunday nights with beer cans and picnic mats too. Of course, they will clean up their own mess, unlike some ugly Singaporeans whom normally don’t when they are at other public places.

The point is, they help us in our country and what’s wrong with providing them with simple lodging in return ? And for those of you whom are radical on the situation, the challenge is whether we who cherish and are cherished here can attain the highest vocation of both self and nationhood from this saga. In other words, do we accept our obligations to community?


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Ask Men

why are some men insensitive at times

There are 50 year old boys out there and 20 year old men. I guess it is about how we men mature.

Do we mature because of what we are expected to be or do we mature from our own experiences and understanding?


Bullet Ricochet Almost Kills Shooter

For a moment, I thought his scalp just flew off.

I guess he is probably lucky… or unlucky that a bullet hit him in the head 🙂


Is tea a ‘healthier’ drink than water

The work in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition dispels the common belief that tea dehydrates.

Drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for you as drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits, say researchers.

[ link here ]

I’m not going to dive further into the benefits of water or tea. What really capture my attention was the last paragraph in that article.

The Tea Council provided funding for the work. Dr Ruxton stressed that the work was independent

That’s the part I am having trouble with. Its probably similar to Marlboro, a famous cigarette company, funding a study about how safe cigarettes are.


your japanese name

Taken from a local forum. Very hilarious.

What is your Japanese name?

Take each letter of your name and substitute it with the Japanese sound to the right of the letter. Names might be kinda long.

A– ka * B– tu * C– mi * D– te * E– ku * F– lu * G– ji

H– ri * I– ki * J– zu * K– me * L– ta * M– rin * N– to

O-mo * P– no * Q– ke * R– shi * S– ari * T-chi

U– do * V– ru * W-mei * X-na * Y– fu * Z– zi


Ways to solve if the new baby incentives still not going to work


introduce porn as core subject in the schools, to encourage people to breed like hamsters. 🙂