
How to check if you are comparable to a blonde

Despite numerous repeats this morning (more than ten times to be exact, judging from the time I start listening at Ang Mo Kio CTE all the way to Jalan Bahar exit PIE) from both Class 95’s DJ Glenn Ong and Mark Van Cuylenburg (otherwise known as Flying Dutchman) that you cannot say anything else when you call them except “2008 Singtel Singapore Formula One Grand Prix”, came a female caller on the line approximately 25 minutes later, beating several others who were desperately trying to call in toΒ  win the Grand Prix premiums, and said…

IT Corner

Signs to indicate your memory card is corrupted

Here are several tell-tale signs to indicate that you better invest in another memory card or thumb drive when the next IT Show kicks in.


Yet another Iphone scam

This guy actually deserves to be conned.

Hazrul, an 18-year-old Singaporean, was so enamoured by the new iPhone that he sold his PlayStation Portable (PSP) and handphone, borrowed money from his friends, and even lied to his mother to get enough money to pay a Nigerian cheat who had promised him the phone.

Taken from The New Paper (24th August)

Wow such a good boy. So much for studying, another reason why book-smart does not increase your level of street-smart aka common sense.

That country name, Nigeria, should have already raised the red flag, yet he can even engage the conman and make dealings with him.

My advice is have to be extremely careful especially those emails. if it is too good, there probably is something fishy too.

Heh. Nigeria. I would have just delete emails having these as keywords upon first contact. πŸ™‚


Tribute to the people we call Teachers

Personally, I agree that a good education is an essential part to success. But irregardless of how book smart you are, you need ambition and to know what is within your heart in order to make your life meaningful.

I’ve met people from different characters and backgrounds who may well possess the intellect that NASA may be looking for but who can’t even do infinitesimal stuff, daily stuff that is.

As such, I’m not trying to make any preconceived notion here but I must salute those boys from SCDF who more often than not, have been *labelled* by the society as being the lowest in terms of organisational attitudes as compared to their other Ministries counterparts.


Clean and green Singapore

I really hate guys who simply go over inside a toilet cubicle and cannot ‘shoot’ straight. What do they think?

That their big john are gigantic thus they can just aim and shoot straight into the bowl? I’m just fuming mad because there have been a couple of incidents at various public places in our own country in which I nearly stepped onto them.

Yeah, and that is probably the reason why we do have to have those clean campaigns all year long. Its a failure I must say, when Singaporeans can’t even do these kind of simple things in their everyday life.


Strange but true #2

This is my favourite. I saw in a book once about new inventions of the 21st century and came across an article about lights that a person can put in toilets. It would shine a green circle onto the surface of the water if the seat was down, indicating to the ladies that it was safe to sit, and if the seat was up it would shine a red X, indicating that it was not safe to sit and also giving the guys something to aim at.

Question is, what if a person is colour blind? πŸ˜‰


Weird search words from Google that will lead you to my site

For the past couple of days, some weirdos have been visiting my site by typing some strange keywords via Google.