
Strange but True #1

In one of the countries biggest medical scandals, German authorities are scratching their heads trying to figure out how a post office messenger with no formal education could impersonate a psychiatrist for two years and commit 34 “patients” to mental hospitals across the country.

The culprit, Gert Postel, got away with impersonating a psychiatrist by using a lot of psycho babble that made him a convincing con man.

I wonder if this culprit can pull off such a stunt over in Singapore. Hmmm…


Singapore – Brunei Currency Interchangeability Agreement

The Singapore dollar has been pegged to the Brunei dollar at a rate of 1:1 since 1967. The two currencies are accepted in both countries as legal tender. The currency peg has benefited both countries as there are no additional charges and banks will accept the currencies at the same value.

Yet, I’ve come across 2 separate incidents whereby retailers refuse to accept Brunei dollars when I patronise their shops. Like wtf ! When I tried to explain the issue to them, some of them remain skeptical and refuse to believe on what I said.

Taxi drivers will accept the notes with some reservation and will not accept coins. Most hawker centers would also not accept Brunei dollars.

I think that Brunei’s dollar is not only on a par with the Singapore dollar, but its coins and banknotes should be allowed to be circulated freely in Singapore because the Sultan of Brunei who would kick up a fuss if Singaporeans didn’t accept banknotes and coins with his face on them.

You can do this when you’re one of the world’s richest men. 🙂

Love One

Back to school

It’s been 8 years since I graduated from school. So much so that going back to study makes me a tad kanchiong according to wifey. That too, studying on how to teach ! 🙂

This week is still considered as my relaxation week, with orientations and lesson time-tables being drawn up by the admin staff. I’ve seen some the student-teachers a couple of days back during the presentation and I’m surprised to see quite a few more mid-career change personnel, some with even 10K++ monthly salary willing to go for the cut just so to secure the future. Economy must be damn bad outside for private firms.

Within 60 days, Aaliya have grown to a whopping 6++ Kg and that means I can now substitute my dumbbells to just carrying her everyday. Not to mention her poop can be a tad heavy too at times !!


Juggling my career by going back to study while at the same time taking care of the baby, I ought to really thank my wife for showing me a lot of things that needs to be done as a father and being a very caring and understanding wife.

I love my family very much.

If you want it, we can have it next year. And the year after that too. Make that 3 in a row. *Mwah*


Between discipline and compassion

One of the issues brought up during contact time yesterday, the issue of whether an effective discipline policy improve student misbehaviour and result in a reduction of teacher stress?

Of course, being just a newbie awaiting admission to NIE, I wouldn’t have the authority to answer back to them at that time, but to me,  wouldn’t it be more appropriate to develop a supportive organisational climate that enables teachers to cope with the student misbehaviour that confronts them rather than enforcing strict policies ?


World Financial Matters

Something just came into my mind.

China hold about 500 billion dollars of debt incurred by US government, but the debt is nearing 10 TRILLION. Also, Japan holds close to 600 billion dollars, about 100 billion more than China.

The debt held by China is double the value of the gold held by United States of America currently. If USA were to switch to “real money”, wouldn’t they become a third-world country instantly ?


About the hit and run accident

I know she senior citizen, but sometimes these senior citizens very arrogant also. They see car coming they don’t care, just walk across the road to dare you to knock them down and cause you to jam brake, then they don’t even look at you or say thanks or sorry.

Taken from local SG forum

At times, I do agree that drivers must be careful, but when reversing a car out from the parking lot, one need to look at so many places, check left mirror, right mirror and rear mirror too, so it helps if pedestrians have half a brain and don’t go walk behind the car when it’s reversing.


Pillion carrying a TV

Oh and you thought that a pillion’s job is just to sit and enjoy the ride ?

pillion riding with a tv

Think again !!